Your Eyes Are Spectral Machines at AgX

AgX welcomes Spanish artist, filmmaker and image-moving composer Luis Macías for an evening of film and expanded cinema performance, as part of his U.S. tour. YOUR EYES ARE SPECTRAL MACHINES is a selection of films in which Luis Macias investigates the concept of what he calls spectral cinema. Exploring each of the different components of the film spectrum: the process and structure as a challenge, the photochemical transformation in the laboratory of created and/or appropriate images, editing/manipulation and re-photography through the optical/contact printer, and the projection as an event ... These are parts of a filmic forms organized in closed structures allowing intermediate spaces that force/activate improvisation. The properties of the image and its forms and the modification/alteration of the mechanical structure of the projector are combined in new proposals for the exercise of a human eye that explores the images of nature and/or how it is revealed to us.